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Horse Chestnut

Horse Chestnut 2024-2025

This week we have taken inspiration from artist Molly Haslund and her love for outdoor art and circles and explored the use of spirals in art. We have experimented with drawing spirals outside with chalk and in our sketchbooks with oil pastels. 

In PE we have used music and pictures of transport to influence the way we move around the hall. It was great to see how each child interpreted music and visuals differently.

Mr Rodgers 


Welcome to Horse Chestnut's blog! 

This week in maths we have been using practical resources to help create number sentences for numbers up to 10 and 20. This is an effective way to build a strong mathematical foundation that children can use throughout school. 

In computing, we have been learning how to upload photos onto pages, add text, and most importantly, how to save a document. All valuable skills to have in this technological age. 

I look forward to sharing more learning with you soon.