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The Governing Body

The Governing Body of our school comprises of members of the local community, Local Government, parents and staff.  It is an unpaid role.  The Governing Body ensures that all relevant policies and procedures are in place, that the school runs safely and smoothly and that school decisions are properly checked.

Our Governing Body meets each half-term, with a focus on either Curriculum and Standards or Finance and Resources.  Governors are linked to key areas across the school, including those on the School Improvement Plan, and they provide reports to the Full Governing Body.  Governors visit school to speak to pupils and staff; look at learning outcomes and the curriculum in practice; attend key events in the school calendar such as assemblies, productions, school trips and Friends events, and to take part in the recruitment and selection of new staff members.

The main duties of the Governing Body are:

  • Setting the strategic direction for the school and ensuring that school improvement is in line with the school’s vision and aims;
  • Ensuring the school budget is spent wisely and effectively and in a way that helps the school to meet its vision;
  • Holding the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to account by asking challenging questions and monitoring performance;
  • When required, serve on panels of governors to appoint the headteacher and other senior leaders, appraise the headteacher, set the headteacher’s pay and agree the pay recommendations for other staff, hear the second stage of staff grievances and disciplinary matters and hear appeals about pupil exclusions.

The Governing Body

Governor Type Appointment Date End Date Register of Business Interest
Mrs Julia Moore (Chair of Governors) Co-opted Governor  June 2019 June 2023 none
Mrs L Monks (Vice Chair of Governors) Co-opted Governor  Dec 2021 Dec 2025 none
Mr J Moore Co-opted Governor Nov 2019 Nov 2023  none
Mrs R Dawson Co-opted Governor Nov 2019 Nov 2023 (Deputy Headteacher)
Mr J Morley Local Authority Governor Sept 2021 Sept 2025 Spouse of member of staff
Mr S McCarthy Parent Governor – (elected by parents) Sept 2021 Sept 2025 Parent of a child in school
Mr M Lowe Parent Governor – (elected by parents) Nov 2022 Nov 2026 Parent of a child in school
Mr G Holllinghurst Parent Governor – (elected by parents) July 2022 July 2026 Parent of a child in school 
Mrs J Ikin Parent Governor – (elected by parents) May 2022 May 2026 Parent of a child in school
Miss R Mullarkey Staff Governor Nov 2012 Nov 24 none
Miss E Cooper Ex-Officio Sept 2018 Aug 2023 (Headteacher)

The Nominated Governors are:

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Mrs J Moore

Nominated Governors

SEND – Mr G Hollinghurst

Link Governor (Governor Training) – Mrs Jo Ikin

Wellbeing - Mr J Moore

Behaviour and Attitudes – Mrs L Monks

English - Mrs L Monks

Maths – Mr S McCarthy

Wider Curriculum – Mr J Moore

Website/Cyber Security – Mrs J Ikin

Premises, Health and Safety

Mr J Morley

Mr S McCarthy

Miss R Mullarkey

Miss E Cooper

HT Appraisal/ Performance Management

Mrs L Monks

Mrs J Moore

Mr S McCarthy

Pay Appeals Committee/  Discipline Committee who will also meet as required.

Mrs J Moore

Mrs L Monks

Pay Committee

Mr G Hollinghurst

Mr J Moore

Mr J Morley

Apple/ iPad working group:

Mr M Lowe

SFVS working group

Mrs J Moore

Mrs L Monks

Clerk to the Governing Body;

Brian Wright

Chief Education Officer;

Paul Turner, County Hall, Preston.


Governor Attendance – Full Governor Meetings 2023-24

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