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Summer 2

Welcome back to our final term of this academic year.  We hope you have all enjoyed lovely week with your children and we’re looking forward to hearing all about their adventures.

This half term we are continuing with our learning theme of Rainforests and are going to explore the impact of deforestation on the animals and habitats of the Rainforest.  Please see our Class Information Booklet (in the tab above) for further information about learning this half term.

We are looking forward to visiting Charity week this week – please see email from the Office – the children may bring in up to £5 in a named envelope to take part in this wonderful event.

For Y4, our Brass lessons commence again tomorrow so please remember to send your child with their instrument.  They will also return to swimming sessions on Monday (10th June).  The Y4s will also be completing the national Multiplication Tables Check over the next few weeks so please keep that times tables practise going at home.  We’re really proud of the process they are making.

PE days this half term remain unchanged:

Y4 – Monday (Swimming) and Friday

Y3 – Wednesday and Friday

As always, if you have any concerns or questions please make contact with us to discuss.

Kind regards

Miss Mullarkey & Mrs Aspin