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Cedar Blog

Welcome to Cedar Class's blog. We've been looking at how to keep ourselves healthy this term and have been tasting some very delicious foods to go in our very healthy salad! In History, the children have been very excited and interested to learn more about Florence Nightingale and what she did for our hospitals today. 

Maths has been very fun and exciting as we have been learning about part, part wholes and the number sentences we can make with them. Ask your children to show you the actions we have created to help us remember them. 

We are a lovely and happy bunch in Cedar Class and I am looking forward to sharing more of what we do with you! 

Miss Johnson 

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  • Welcome to Cedar Class

    Published 06/09/23
    WOW! What a busy first few days we’ve had in Cedar Class. We’ve already started to build on our learning from EYFS and are getting to know our new classroom.   This morning we received an exciting message from a man called Bo
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