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Welcome to Oak Class

We have thoroughly enjoyed  welcoming your children back into school for our new school year.  It’s been lovely to hear all about their summer adventures and talk about their hopes and goals for this year.

Please remember your child will only need to bring the following items into school with them:

* Waterproof coat

* Named water bottle (pre-filled with water)

* Healthy snack

* Packed lunch (if required)

  • Reading book bag (Also any books which may need returning including Library books.)

By the end of this week, your child will have received a reading book with a new reading record and a Home Learning book. 

Reading books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday.  Please remember that there are additional reading materials available on Bug Club. Your child’s log in details will be inside their reading record book.

Starting from w/c 11th September our PE days will be on Monday and Wednesday – on these days your child will need to attend school in their PE kit (suitable for outdoor sessions).  If your child has their ears pierced, please ensure earrings are removed on PE days or that they can remove them theirselves.

We have lots of exciting learning planned for Autumn Term.  Our topic this term is “Rock of Ages”. During this time we will be exploring the era from the Stone Age through to the Iron Age.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.  We look forward to working with you this year and meeting you later in the term at Parents’ evening.

Mrs Aspin & Miss Mullarkey